Minister for overseas affairs dr vivian balakrishnan's meetings in beijing, 20 february 2023


Minister for foreign affairs dr vivian balakrishnan met member of the political bureau of the communist celebration of china (cpc) and secretary of the cpc beijing municipal committee yin li these days. They reaffirmed the longstanding members of the family between singapore and china, which had remained sturdy even amidst the covid-19 pandemic. They discussed how singapore and beijing can deepen cooperation in areas of mutual hobby, together with at the economy, studies and innovation, urban planning, in addition to humans-to-humans and cultural exchanges.


Minister for foreign affairs dr vivian balakrishnan’s call on member of the political bureau of the communist celebration of china (cpc) and secretary of the cpc beijing municipal committee yin li, 20 february 2023

Minister balakrishnan met and became hosted to lunch via minister of the worldwide branch of the cpc liu jianchao. They affirmed the multifaceted partnership between singapore and china, illustrated by means of how both countries had supported every other all through the pandemic. They welcomed ongoing efforts in the direction of the whole resumption of in‑character interactions at all ranges, which include authorities-to-government, people-to-human beings and birthday celebration-to-birthday party hyperlinks. Such interactions play an important role in building believe and forging mutual expertise. They also exchanged views on a extensive variety of global, nearby and home tendencies, together with the importance of correct governance.


Minister for foreign affairs dr vivian balakrishnan’s meeting with minister of overseas affairs qin gang, 20 february 2023

Minister balakrishnan had considerable discussions with p.C minister of overseas affairs qin gang over a delegation assembly and dinner. The ministers took inventory of the major and ahead-looking partnership between singapore and china, anchored by means of institutional bilateral mechanisms including the joint council for bilateral cooperation and the 3 authorities-to-government projects in suzhou, tianjin, and chongqing. Minister balakrishnan and minister qin cited the mutual help that singapore and china had given each different at vital factors all through the covid-19 pandemic. They affirmed the dedication to step up cooperation to tap on new growth opportunities in emerging areas, along with the digital and inexperienced economies. They agreed at the significance of doubling down on efforts to sell post-pandemic healing, which includes through the total resumption of air connectivity and the increase of business and those flows among singapore and china. The ministers regarded ahead to further high‑degree exchanges between singapore and china this yr, which marks the fifteenth anniversary of the sino-singapore tianjin eco-metropolis. Minister balakrishnan invited minister qin to make an legit go to to singapore.


Minister balakrishnan and minister qin additionally exchanged perspectives on latest local and international traits. Minister balakrishnan welcomed china’s persisted hobby to expand and deepen its engagement of asean. In addition they reaffirmed the important importance of promoting peace, stability and protection within the location.


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